Oppi 2022

'What's the least you can do?' is written on a whiteboard

Oppi, the global education community meet in Paris, France

Oppi changes location every three years, so 2022 saw the global education community take up residency on the outskirts of Paris, France in a beautiful château. Once again I was there to capture the magic, and this year focussed on the journeys of three Oppi community members:

First timer Felix Malombe, a teacher from Nairobi, Kenya. He is the director of STEAMLabs Africa and leads digital transformation for schools and education initiatives.

Third timer Noam Gerstein, CEO of The Bina School. Bina is an international online primary school offering precision education for 4-12 year olds.

And sixth timer Dave Hamilton from Explo exploring project based learning.

Oppi is first and foremost a community, a professional family coming together once a year, and continuing to support each other and collaborate throughout the year to make education the best it can be.


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